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American Institute of Accountants (AIA)

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    Mindmap "American Institute of Accountants (AIA)"

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    Mindmap American Institute of Accountants (AIA) Quelle: https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/american-institute-accountants-aia-29453 node29453 American Institute of ... node28273 American Institute of ... node29453->node28273 node51026 US-GAAP node28273->node51026 node42147 Rechnungslegungsvorschriften node28273->node42147 node39879 Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer ... node28273->node39879 node36721 Financial Accounting Standards ... node28273->node36721 node29573 AIA node29573->node29453
    Mindmap American Institute of Accountants (AIA) Quelle: https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/american-institute-accountants-aia-29453 node29453 American Institute of ... node28273 American Institute of ... node29453->node28273 node29573 AIA node29573->node29453

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